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Vaclav Hoffmann also Hofmann - The Holy Child John

Václav Hoffmann - Das heilige Kind Johannes (1).JPG

Old coloured original copper engraving on paper 54,2 x 37,3 cm. Lower center the title page : Das H. Kind Johanes. Portrait of St. John the Baptist as a child. In the right part a depiction of St. Helena standing on a column. In the left part a depiction of St. Joan standing on a column. In the lower part a depiction of the Baptism of Christ. Marked lower right : Prag bei W. Hoffmann. Unframed. 

Vaclav Hoffmann, also Hoffmann ( 22. 6. 1872 Kuks - 6. 12. 1858 ? Prague )

He worked in Prague from about 1812, in 1819 he was granted a concession to run an independent copperplate printing house. He specialized in creating and printing large and small holy pictures, greeting cards and sheets with nativity scenes.

  • Author: Vaclav Hoffmann
  • Signed: signed lower right
  • Measure: 54,2 x 37,3 cm
  • Material: colored copper engraving on paper
  • Description: Prague around 1830
  • Price: 2.400 CZK
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