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Empire style cup and saucer - Berlin

Empírový koflík - Berlín

Cup and saucer empire Berlin. Tall cup stand on foot. The bell-shaped body. In the upper third inside a gilded belt. Gold crest on the front with the words. After the sides gold scrolls topped by blue dots. Vertical exceeding ornamental rounded branching tab associated with a cup of stylized knob. Gilded top line. Saucer round and raised wide brim. Gold scrolls decorated with blue dots. Broader Line gilded edges. White porcelain, gilded, painted, glazed. Marked from the bottom blue under glaze. Berlin 1790 - 1830. Height 10 cm, width 15 cm.

  • Signed: značeno
  • Measure: Height 10 cm, width 15 cm.
  • Material: porcelain
  • Description: 1790 - 1830
  • Price: 11.000 CZK
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